Early Learning Begins Here
During this important first year, your baby will be loved, cared for, and stimulated for optimal growth and development at Bright & Early. The program philosophy is to meet an infant’s needs on demand, developing their feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. Babies communicate in their own ways, so our Teachers commit to spending one on one time with each child to develop close, personal relationships. By prioritizing mindful interactions, Teachers earn the trust of each child.
In addition to Bright & Early providing exceptional care and education for children, it’s important that parents experience genuine peace of mind. We encourage families to visit with their child before their first day to familiarize them with their Teachers and new environment.
Infant Classrooms with Room to Grow
Infants feel comfortable and at home in their Bright & Early classroom, which has the feel of a cozy nursery. Our well-organized, safe, and clean environments make for a relaxed experience for both child and Teacher.
Each infant classroom has a special floor area with extra padding for infants to enjoy tummy time and comfortably play, while they practice their rolling, sitting, cruising, and crawling skills.