Welcome back to school with Bright & Early! Whether it’s your child’s first step into preschool or they’re returning for another year, having the right items and preparations in place can make all the difference. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist covering everything from health and hygiene to educational materials. Join us on this exciting journey as we unpack the ultimate essentials and share expert advice to ease your little one into the school routine seamlessly. Ready to make this school year the most successful one yet? Bright & Early has you covered with the best back-to-school checklist in Connecticut!

The Ultimate Back-to-School Checklist for Preschoolers

Starting preschool is a big step for little ones, and having the right gear can make all the difference! Here’s what your child will need for a successful start:

School Supplies:

  • Backpack: Choose a lightweight, easy-to-open backpack that small hands can easily manage.
  • Lunchbox: Opt for an easy-to-clean, BPA-free lunchbox for nutritious meals.
  • Water bottle: Ensure it’s leak-proof and easy for kids to use independently.
  • Extra change of clothes: Accidents happen! Pack a complete change of clothes labeled with your child’s name.
  • Comfort item: A small blanket or favorite plush toy can provide comfort during nap time, making school feel a little more like home.

Health and Hygiene:

  • Child-friendly hand sanitizer: Make sure it’s alcohol-free and safe for smaller hands!
  • Tissues: Pack a small box or travel-sized package for those little sniffles.
  • Sunscreen: A must-have for safe outdoor play!
  • Labels: Mark all personal items with your child’s name to help keep track of their belongings and avoid mix-ups.

Easing Back-to-School Blues and First-Day Jitters

Starting preschool is a major milestone that can be met with excitement but also a lot of anxiety. Here are some tips to help ease those first-day jitters for your little one:

  • Visit Bright & Early: Before the school year starts, schedule a visit to Bright & Early so your child can see their new classroom, meet their teacher, and maybe even make a new friend or two. Familiarity breeds comfort and can significantly reduce anxiety!
  • Talk About School Positively: Discuss the upcoming school year with enthusiasm, explaining what your child can expect during school days. Focus on the fun things they’ll do, the new friends they’ll make, and all the exciting things they’ll learn. Keeping the conversation positive and upbeat can make a big difference for your little learner!
  • Establish a Routine: Start a school-like routine a few weeks before school starts. This includes having consistent wake-up and bedtimes, eating meals at times that align with the school schedule, and setting aside time for reading or educational activities.

Preparations for the Night Before Preschool Starts

To ensure a smooth and stress-free morning on the first day of preschool, it’s important to get organized the night before. Here’s what you can do to prepare

  • Pack the Backpack: Help your child pack their backpack with all the essentials from our checklist. This will help them feel prepared and involved in the process.
  • Lay Out Clothes: Pick and put out an outfit for your preschooler’s first day. Letting children choose their clothes can empower and excite them, building anticipation and a sense of ownership and control. 
  • Prep Lunch and Snacks: Prepare and pack any lunches or snacks the night before. Opt for healthy choices that will keep your child energized and alert throughout the day.
  • Prioritize Rest: Ensure your child goes to bed early the night before school starts so they can wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the big day. A good night’s sleep is crucial for a fresh and successful start to each day!
  • Discuss the Morning Plan: Talk through what the morning will look like so your child knows exactly what to expect. This can help reduce anxiety about the unknown. 

That’s a wrap on our back-to-school checklist! You’re now equipped with all the essentials your little one needs for the best possible preschool experience. Every detail counts towards a successful start to the new school year, from the basic necessities in their backpack to the right routines at home. At Bright & Early, we’re here to support you and your preschooler every step of the way as you embark on this exciting new chapter! With our expert advice, you can easily turn any first-day jitters into eager anticipation for all the amazing academic activities ahead. We can’t wait to see what all our little learners accomplish this year at Bright & Early!