Early Care & Education Standards of Excellence

From the NAEYC Website: “The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. Together, we work to achieve a collective vision: that all young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.”


The Bright & Early center in Middletown, CT is proud to be a National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accredited child care center since 2001 NAEYC is a professional, prestigious membership that promotes high quality learning by connecting early childhood practice with policy and research.


In the Middletown Area:

Amazing Grace Food Pantry

  • Supplies food to Middletown residents in need. 860-347-3222

Community Health Center

  • Offers assistance for health, dental, mental health resources. 860-347-6971

Community Renewal Team (CRT)

  • Energy assistance, home solutions, and food stamps. 860-347-4465

Counseling Center, Greater Middletown Outpatient

  • Offers substance abuse programs and resources. 860-343-5510

DCF Careline

  • Protective services to children up to the age of 18. 800-842-2288

Food Assistance

  • Provides food stamps. 860-560-2100


  • Free or low cost health insurance for children under the age of 19. 877-284-8759

Middlesex Hospital Family Medicine

  • Family practice physician. 860-344-6000

Poison Control

  • Information hotline for poison. 800-222-1222

American Red Cross

  • Relief to victims of disasters, health, and safety training courses. 860-347-2577

Probate Court

  • For legal matters related to estates, adoptions, guardianships, custody, family issues, passports, etc. 860-347-7424

Russell Library

  • Activities for children and teens, as well as special events. 860-347-2528

Youth Services

  • Provides a coordinated referral system for students in grades 6-12. 860-704-4547

School Readiness

  • For help in finding a preschool or childcare center. 860-346-7354

CT Birth to Three System

  • For concerns about a child’s ability. 800-505-7000

Family Resource Center

  • Offering home visits, play groups and child assessments. 860-638-3742

Literacy Volunteers

  • Promoting increased literacy in the English language. 860-347-0337

Parent Leadership Training Institute

  • Helping parents become leaders and advocates for children. 860-638-1463

Parent Resource Coordinator

  • Assist in parent and community partnerships and outreach. 860-638-1462

Special Education Resource Center

  • For families on education/early intervention. 860-632-1485

Special Education Pupil Services

  • Health and Well Being. 860-638-1428

Rushford Center

  • For behavioral health needs of children, adults, and families. 860-346-0300

Salvation Army

  • General assistance/social services, food, clothing, toys, utilities, and rent. 860-347-4793


  • A self-help program for parents, kids, & communities. 860-347-0340

WIC Nutrition

  • Supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants & Children. 860-344-8014

Women & Family Center

  • For sexual assault crisis services or employment training. 860-344-1474

City of Middletown

  • Office of the Mayor. 860-344-3401

Department of Health

  • 344-3474

Housing Authority

  • Safe, affordable housing for Middletown families, sliding scale. 860-346-8671

Police Department

  • NON-EMERGENCY. 860-347-6941